Title : { Garden Fresh Summer Mantel }
link : { Garden Fresh Summer Mantel }
{ Garden Fresh Summer Mantel }
Happy Tuesday, pals! As many of you know I've been going through someone changes, dealing with health issues & just figuring thing's out.. One thing I'm trying to work on is being more spontaneous & worry free! I've always been a worrier & spontaneous actually, but also super type A thatgets the best of me!! Today a friend & I after some outside work decided to have a yummy sit down lunch, visit a greenhouse & have a little flower photoshoot in her storybook { fawns, patio door turtle visitors, neighbor horses etc..} garden & property! I also did something for myself { I'll share Thursday}, but today I'm sharing the flowers my bestie bouquet'ed up for me fresh from the garden!
Thank you for reading, and happy decorating with your new wallpapers! { Garden Fresh Summer Mantel }
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